Nadia S.’s Soul Art Day Interview

Why have you chosen the artist path?

A Soul Artist is someone who is creating themselves, that is why I chose the Artist path.

Germans have another word for being a Soul Artist.

The word is “Lebenskünstler.” This German word connotes a person who approaches life with the zest and inspiration of an artist, although he or she may not be working recognizably as an artist.

A Soul Artist is someone who is bringing the essence of their Spirit into their life and doing the healing and empowerment work that this will call forth.

Creating themselves and their life as Art.

Living life and showing up for life with their Spirit, being the blend of higher self and humanity: The evolving, growing, and expanding human heart and soul.

What keeps you making art?

I keep making art because Soul Art Journeys are so supportive and illuminating.

Creating Soul Art is so very valuable:

1️⃣ You make time and create sacred space for Soul Art, and essentially YOU!

2️⃣ This space and time is deeply nourishing, fun, and full of REST to replenish and restore your body, mind, heart & Spirit.

3️⃣ Going on a Soul Art Journey creates the safe space for your emotional expression and honors your feelings (your inner world) which in turn creates balance & well-BEING, from the inside out.

4️⃣During a Soul Art Journey you receive many insights, breakthroughs, and aha’s that connect you to your heart & soul guidance on next aligned steps.

5️⃣ Creating Soul Art helps you build self-trust and confidence in yourself, your intuition, and your path through Spirit actions that honor your biggest Soul Art insights.

Who is your art for?

My art is for me, first and foremost, as it activates my self-love leadership over and over and over again. I am deeply grateful for my Soul Art Journey Vision Quests.


Picture of Nadia S. Krauss

About Nadia S. Krauss

Nadia is passionate about Health & Wellness Living – in body, mind, heart, emotion, spirit, Soul, and teaching embodiment practices of Soul Health & purpose.

Her commitment to being a knowledgeable, enthusiastic, compassionate, life-affirming, pleasant, and practical health and wellness educator and guide, as well as her comprehensive 23 years of working experience in the field, give her the ability to create a welcoming, comforting, transformational, and healthy environment, for those that choose to work with her.