Abiola’s Soul Art Day Interview

What does it mean to be an artist to you?

I have an MFA but being an artist today means something different to me. I live my life as art. The clay that I mold is our human capacity to rise and shine. My medium is the energy of the divine feminine and the beauty of our human spirit.

To me, being an artist means channeling the divine feminine and the energies of the cosmos to bring forth creations that empower the spirit. Every oracle card I design, every retreat I lead, and every word I write in my books stands as a testament to stepping into your purpose. An artist, in my eyes, doesn’t just create; they channel and manifest. They harness the raw power of the universe and shape it into forms that inspire, uplift, and guide.

It’s about breathing life into ideas with the transformative power to heal, uplift, and awaken.

At the core, being an artist for me is about being in tune with my inner goddess, honoring her whispers, and manifesting those messages into the physical realm. My work is not just books, decks, courses, etc, — they are sacred tools crafted to help others tap into their divine power and potential.

My artistry is a sacred calling, a commitment to elevating consciousness, and a journey to celebrate the divine feminine in all its splendor.

What do you do when you feel creatively blocked?

When I am very rarely blocked I move, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. When I hit a creative block, I first honor the pause. I try to go to nature. Meditation helps me reconnect with my inner goddess, clearing the fog. Sometimes, I DANCE and dive into music or art for a fresh perspective, or I might collaborate with fellow creatives for new insights. I trust that with time and intention, my creative flow always returns. But for the most part, I am an open channel.

What does your art say to you?

All of my creative projects are a channeled experiment between the Divine and me. So my art has plenty to say. Through my art, I am constantly reminded to trust my intuition, and embrace my inner goddess.


Picture of Abiola Abrams

About Abiola Abrams

Abiola Abrams is dedicated to helping women become who they were born to be. She is an award-winning Hay House author, oracle card creatrix, international retreat leader, speaker and intuitive self-worth coach. Catch up with her weekly on the Goddess Temple Podcast. She is most excited about her forthcoming book about manifesting, Imagination Creates Reality and her upcoming deck, Secrets of the Ancestors. Get started with her most recent projects. Africans Goddess Initiation and the African Goddess Rising Oracle deck. Learn more at: Womanifesting.com