International Soul Art Day Gallery
Jennifer Blumenthal
Actor from United States

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I’ve done Soul Art journeys on Soul Art Day every year since 2015. It’s such a beautiful form of self-expression and self-inquiry, I wouldn’t miss it for the world!
How would you describe your creative process?
My creative process is totally intuitive. I create a sacred space, anoint my canvas, and allow my intuition to guide the colors, patterns, and symbols that get expressed on the canvas. I make a mark or put down a color then ask ‘what’s next?’ and follow the nudges and inspirations I receive. I let myself be surprised and delighted with each layer. And even if I don’t like what’s coming out as I create, I trust that I will love it in the end because it’s the expression of my Truth (and I always do).
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
My life is a swirling mass of change right now, but from the deepest place within me, a seed is being fertilized and it is sprouting. In the core of that seed is the structure upon which the new will be built. Outside of the seed, trying to penetrate it and push it through the “wall” from the old way of being into the new, is the creative chaos — the sperm activating the egg to create new life. I can’t tell what that seed is growing into yet, but it has been activated and is steadily increasing in vibration. My job is to nourish and water that seed so that it can blossom into its most radiant beauty and fullest expression, and then, so can I.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
When there’s change. Or chaos. Or questions. Or pain. Or facing the unknown. Or something that wants to be expressed… Soul Art is an anchor for me to dive deep into inquiry about that thing. The deepest things within us are primal. That is, they are stored as feelings, sensations, urges, instincts, nudges, and vibrations — as waves of light and sound. Not as words. Not as thoughts. Not as logic. Which means they aren’t fully accessible by thinking or talking or writing about them. But art is the language of the primal. Art gives form to that primal information through color, shapes, lines, symbols, and patterns which becomes the clues to the information you seek to find or the message you wish to convey. And Soul Art offers a guided pathway through which to tap the primal well and bring those parts of you from the dark into the light for your healing, growth, and evolution. I cherish each and every Soul Art experience I’ve ever had for the beauty and magic it has brought into my life!