Nadia S. Krauss, Soul Health Mentor Podcast from Canada

I have been a practicing Soul Artist with Laura since 2017. Laura continues to inspire me with her guided Soul Art Journeys.
How would you describe your creative process?
My creative process helps me get out of my head,my monkey mind, and into my heart, and my body.Connecting me to my rich inner world.
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
This years international Soul Art Day I was really able to RECEIVE that I am an artist. My monkey mind was telling me that I wasn’t because it has this preconceived notion of what that looks like.
But my soul clearly dropped this biggest insight into my body: “ I am an artist.”
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
As a featured artist in this year’s Soul Art day I shared the 5 reasons, I keep making Art.
The most important thing about my Soul Art experience(s) is:
1️⃣ I make time and create sacred space for Soul Art, and essentially ME!
2️⃣ This space and time is deeply nourishing, fun, and full of REST to replenish and restore your body, mind, heart & Spirit.
3️⃣ Going on a Soul Art Journey creates the safe space for your emotional expression and honors your feelings (your inner world) which in turn creates balance & well-BEING, from the inside out.
4️⃣During a Soul Art Journey I receive many insights, breakthroughs, and aha’s that connect me to my heart & soul guidance on next aligned steps.
5️⃣ Creating Soul Art helps me continuously build self-trust and confidence in myself, my intuition, and my path through Spirit actions that honor my biggest Soul Art insights.
Learn more about Nadia S. Krauss