hemera margrieta, art-communicator and creative explorer from Netherlands


hemera margrieta bio photoWhat Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

soul art for me is a great way to deepen my self-connection. Last year I participated very actively in the Soul Art Day activities by hosting two workshops. This year I chose a quieter approach by diving deeper into my own process

How would you describe your creative process?

This year, within the 5 steps of the soul art process, I included two meditations that I had created last year for the two workshops that I hosted then. It felt like being my own first customer. What appeared was a chaotic composition of lines, colours, and shapes including tracing of my hands and feet. It’s unpolished, raw, real and feels like a starting point of something and an ending of something at the same time.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

At the moment, at moments, I feel lost in life, lost inside myself and lost in translation. Then there are so many things to do, things that I could do, that I don’t know where to start, and how to connect the dots. Everything feels chaotic, like one big tangled knot. Seeing this piece, on one hand, reflects that tangled up, knitted together chaos. Yet on the other hand, when I look at this chaos, I know exactly which line/shape/colour stands for because each of them is drawn from a deep inner experience. I don’t need to think about it, I simply know.

This gave me insight (or more remembrance) into what the difference is between what I call mental understanding and physical knowing. That difference between understanding something like concepts, ideas and theory with your brain and really getting something on a physical cellular level. What makes the difference and is the key for me to understand myself is I must be able to experience it, so I know what is my unique way of doing it.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

The thing I struggle with at the moment is to get a clearer picture of what I exactly want, where to focus and how to start. I have done a lot of writing about it in the last few months. Yet I keep on going in circles. This soul art journey made me aware of having that self-connecting experience I have to START WITH THE ART. All those templates are fine, but for me, to get a true understanding of it, all I need to go beyond the world of words into the world of art and creative expression

Learn more about hemera margrieta

Website: https://www.pathofthezebra.com