Nina Berzbach, Self-love Mentor for Female Entrepreneurs from Germany


Nina Berzbach bio photoWhat Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I love to be a part of the energy of Soul Art Day therefore I make it happen to join each year.

How would you describe your creative process?

It is very colorful – I need brush strokes to nourish and saturate the canvas and myself first. The next step is to sense where the painting wants to develop and messages will be downloaded. It is a very organic process and I keep trusting what will arise.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

I am a lighthouse and Lighthouses (leaders) get attracted by the green center (Self-love). The center is very magnetic and it recharges them. The lighthouses shine brighter and are on their way to greatness.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

Wherever I am right now – it is perfect. I am still in the process and trusting the state wherever I am is crucial. I came to a point where I was not so happy with the combo of painting and collaging but it seemed an important reminder to me so I glued them on. My piece does not have to be harmonious. Edgy is good and tells me something about the uniqueness of Soul Art. I would rather have it unique than pretty. It is about the message less about the image itself.

Learn more about Nina Berzbach
