Emerald GreenForest, Creative Age Leader & Wealthy Life Mentor from United States


Emerald GreenForest bio photoWhat Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

Soul Art has been an instrumental activity to support my personal evolution and growth for the last 8 years. Ever since the very first Soul Art Day I have participated in this epic global event and have received so much support, guidance and clarity from working with my soul and my art in this way. This day is so potent and filled with magic – it’s a “Can’t Miss” on my calendar every year!

How would you describe your creative process?

This time I was very intentional about connecting with the new land and environment where I am now living. A whole new life is in process of being created and I wanted to incorporate time in nature into the process. Thankfully a friend was able to trace my whole body the night before the big day and so this piece was a longer process then pieces from the last few years. I worked on it over 3 days adding the final touch at the end of day 3 with the addition of the BEE! My process was very fluid and relaxed and quite mesmerizing! By the end of the second day I really felt like the “I” that I am was non-existent – and fully unified with all of time/space and the fullness of each moment. Truly a transcendental experience this time!

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

My most potent insight was: Well Being Is facilitated by willingness to invest time in the practice of being well.

The larger message was: BE – Simply be. There is nothing more and nothing less expected of you. Growth happens naturally & you are and have been naturally growing and blossoming. Life works its magic through you as you simply simply be. Time invested to carefully craft anything is time very well spent. Permit yourself PLENTY of time as you recover, recycle, repurpose, resurrect, recreate, rise up & radiate. The essence of time is beauty emerging. You have been and will continue to be building an entirely new paradigm & world for yourself & others who are resonant with the gifts blossoming within you. Trust in your True Nature & be wholly & completely peaceful as you naturally drink of the nourishment readily and easily available to you now and always. Continue to channel Golden Wisdom & appreciate the vast seed of light you have planted that is sprouting and generating a wealth of fruitfulness. The cycles are shifting and you are well positioned for the most harmonious of harvests. Reserve, Preserve, Deserve. All is Well. Well-being is rooted in being well planted in the HEART of Nature & in absolute acceptance of who you actually are inclusive of your many many gifts. To experience the fulfillment of your intention simply BE WELL. Being well includes reaching out to connect with Earth & with the Cosmos. Recognize that reaching out is not a “job” but rather a practice of expanding capacity to fully care for yourself & nurture and deliver your gifts. Follow the Four Agreements.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

That this process AGAIN was an invaluable gift to me – I am so grateful for the TIME that was requested of me in the creation of this year’s piece (peace). I was able to become even more deeply attuned to the valuing of my time and the honoring of my time and the right use of my time. I also found my Spirit In Action this year was a paradox – every other year the Spirit In Action has been to DO something – this year it’s to BE and to engage in “not-doing” by scheduling in a nap every “work” day. I now have NAP on my calendar and took my first one today as soon as the directive came through!

Learn more about Emerald GreenForest

Website: https://www.creativeageleader.com