Angela Gilchrist, Aspiring Artist & Creativepreneur from United States


Angela Gilchrist bio photoWhat Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I’ve been participating in International Soul Art Day for many years. I always look forward to it. It’s become a beloved ritual and one of the highlights of my year. No matter how busy I am, I make time for it because it’s fun, healing, and reconnects me to my first love- art.

How would you describe your creative process?

I enjoy working in a quiet, organized, relaxing space. I try not to overthink things and allow the process to unfold. Sometimes I like to listen to music as I’m creating.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

I’m a powerful manifestor and that the Universe provides what I need or want as long as I’m sending consistent messages as to what I desire and taking action to meet the Universe at least halfway.

This particular mixed media art piece I created is called “Linger Dear Dreamer.” It’s a reminder that I need more rest and hygge in my life.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

To not enter the process with too many expectations and when I hit a rough patch, to show myself some compassion or grace.