Elica Johnson, I am a Soul Artist and an eternal voyager from United Kingdom


Elica Johnson bio photoWhat Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

My first experience of Soul Art Day in 2019 – journeying with my Soul changed the trajectory of my life. The following years Soul Art has been my life-line and consistent support as I’m working towards completing the Soul Art Certification Programs.

The two years pause has allowed me to deepen the connection with my BEMISS (Body, Energy, Mind, I, Soul and Spirit). It felt like a great time to celebrate with others as we co-create in the powerful creative vortex of Soul Art Day 2022.

I was inspired to do this particular Soul Art journey as a blessing ceremony for everyone who participated including myself. It was most fitting as I was on day 39 of my 40 days “Blessing Self with Love” Spirit Action and I was ready to expand as I blessed the Universe.

How would you describe your creative process?

It was surprising to me when my Soul invited me to surrender to my frustrations as we activated the container. Our relationship has been strengthened and deepened over the last two years, so I said “Yes” without hesitation.

My intention was: I am lovingly guided through the frustrations as I expand into Abundance.

The energy in my body shifted immediately and the wheel was set in motion. I’ve outlined my legs twice in a receptive pose as it formed a powerful Yoni portal and as a representation of my vocal cords. Although my voice has strengthened over the last two years as I’ve build up a collection of tools and skills, there are moments when it returns to “dimming its light and power”.

To express my frustrations in the most helpful way- they need to be seen, heard and loved. The most loving and supportive experience to that is being in a circle.

I love creating things with my hands and I’m very fond of the magic they have transmitted in dialogue with my Soul and my Body.
My overarching intention for Soul Art Day and this journey being a blessing ceremony for everyone who participated sparked up my Loving Ancestors to join forces with the rest of my Spirit Guides. As an anchor I chose to recreate the Rosette of Pliska- powerful amulet/talisman from my Ancestors to the Bulgarian people. With its seven rays- one for each day of the week and each planet associated with it- it seemed as the natural next step. I outlined my arms stretched and supporting one another into the circle.

The last elements that my body wanted to support in the blessing were my head and my hair. We’ve had a wonderful journey together with highs and lows. Time to ask for help and be open to receive. Standing on my head with my plaits on each side outlined by my child. It was a testament to the transformative power of Soul Art and the seven core essences of my Soul.

Painting the colours of the chakras, aligning the qualities of each day/planet/core essence- it all started coming together beautifully. Diligently cutting out pieces- some from my own transformative Soul Art journeys, others outsourced. Gluing each one with love and blessing- I felt deeply grounded in pleasure, joy and acknowledgement of my personal growth as well as that of my child.

My Medicine Wheel felt complete- filled with the radiant light of spirals, chromosomes and golden hearts. Spirit Animals gracing it with their presence. The Elements infused it further with potency as the Virgin Eleusa offered her mercy and compassion to the imperfections… The more I worked on my piece more grounded I felt as I was enjoying the abundance of Life shared with me.

The magical message from my Soul was revealed in full last night as I witnessed the Celestial Turtle presencing itself into my bodymap.

My 3 symbols from the Energy Sketching Creativity Door were:
Body- Birds
Life- Alignment
Dreams- Emerald Heart

My 3 words were:
Birds- I associate with Joy
Flowers- I associate with Abundance
Abundance- I associate with Balance

The message from my stream of consciousness writing was:

Abundance is the joy of balance being ever present in your life as you ride the waves and glide through the valleys. Balancing the fine thread between the worlds and expressing the aliveness within you.

In the preparation for Soul Art Day I was guided to offer the gift of Soul Art journey to a dear friend of mine for her birthday 30th July. Further embodying the Soul Art Guide that I am. The excitement of witnessing the light entering her presence even more was the pinnacle of my day.

My inner child felt so reassured, the clouds affirmed what my body knew- two shapes of mama-bird and her young graced my day today.

The intuitive message from my Soul for August was “Rest in the in-between – the view is wider” is a testament to the deeper embodiment of my Soul. The connection between my Divine Self and my Humane Self strengthened even more.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

I have everything that I need as I am fully resourced and supported by Life and Universe at any time. As the bioluminescent jellyfish generated their own light, so am I generating My Own Natural Energy Yielding (MONEY). I am already abundant and it is time to complete the blessing ceremony.

Three Spirit Actions unfolded as I was completing my bodymap:

1. Take my art outside and bless the land with its beauty as I take the photo.
2. Place the map above my bed, so my Body and Soul can soak up its medicine in the day-night cycles.
3. Submit my artwork to be part of the Soul Art Day gallery- that one is in faith that it will reach within the deadline (Bodymap was completed only this afternoon- Soul wants what Soul wants☺️)

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
