Carrie Klassen
Creatrix from Canada
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I am often so busy creating for other people (with pleasure!) that I don’t always make the time to create for myself. The invitation from Lisa and Laura to participate today was divine.
How would you describe your creative process?
Normally, I have an idea. I struggle to make it work. I hate it. I work on it some more. I almost give up. And then I make something great.
For today’s journey, though, it wasn’t a struggle – just quiet joy. It helped that I left all expectations outside my studio when I began this process. Just trusted in Laura.
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
Every area of my life that feels stuck or somehow uncomfortable can be healed so simply with a renewed commitment to pleasure, compassion and nurturing.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
Beauty is profoundly and consistently healing.