Suzie Cheel
Creative Change Warrior- I color the world and guide people to discover what makes their heart sing by unleashing their innate intuition and allowing their hidden creativity to shine through from Australia
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
Timing was perfect for me, I have been using my art for the healing journey I have been on for the past 9 months. I had just started a daily Creative Wellness Journal that I was going to share on my blog and I had allowed myself to be blocked and was hiding this from the world. I have been inspired by Laura and her Soul Art:)
How would you describe your creative process?
Intuitive, I paint, draw, etc from what is within. My Soul Art painting with some collage was done by my heart guiding me. I was surprised that the I spent the first 10 minutes or so cutting out the hearts from some wrapping paper that I had left on my table after completing the Creative Expression step in the process. The rest flowed and I felt at peace and full of gratitude throughout the process.
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
When I allow my art to flow from my heart, trusting that my intuition knows what is to be expressed, the healing will move to completion. It is important to take this as a daily prescription and you will reach the vibrant wellness you so desire. Now is the time to share your light: this is empowering for you and will inspire others. I received clarity and inspiration for the path to take my Creative Business to the world with joy.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
What a freeing process, that was a great vibe raiser- I was in low vibe mode when I started this process and as I complete this I feel full of love and gratitude for myself, Laura for gifting me this journey and for all the other creative souls who are sharing their souls and heARTs. This was my first official Soul Art Journey I love the process and this is a journey I will take again. Namaste♡♡♡