Debbie Rae-Smith

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Debbie Rae-Smith's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I thought the whole idea sounded wonderful, but when I saw that Soul Art Day was the day before my 40th birthday, I knew I had to take part! What an inspiring way to prepare for such a major life milestone 🙂

How would you describe your creative process?

Challenging at first, until I realised I was coming from my head, and trying to “force” a certain look. Once I let go of control and followed my heart’s direction, things flowed much easier.

Interestingly, the left foot in the artwork (representing my darker past) was much, much harder to complete than my right foot (representing my brighter future) – it came together so quickly and easily!

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

I’ve been feeling so “stuck” lately, and a little overwhelmed about all that I felt I needed to do to be able to move forward and make changes in my life. The message that came through quite clearly from my Soul Art was “One Small Step” at a time is all that is needed to move things forward. Not a huge leap, which is what I’ve been trying to accomplish (and of course, not achieving!).

I’ve also learnt to not force things, and to listen to my heart rather than let my head take control!

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

This has been such a liberating, freeing experience! I feel so much lighter, more motivated and more inspired than I have in ages. Its so powerful seeing your Soul’s message in visual form – it really does provide a deep perspective, and makes it easy to integrate into your consciousness.

I’ve been so inspired by this process, I intend to do it again, using my hands as the framework…