Antonia Wibke Heidelmann
Graphic Attractress in the process of creating my Ecstatic Nü Business that incorporates my skills as Graphic Designer, Graphic Artist and Brennan Energy Healer. from Germany
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I love to experience the power of personal transformation through the creative process. And Soul Art Day was a perfect invitation to try out Laura’s Soul Art Journey as I already enjoyed the Nü Business Mentorship Program with Laura.
How would you describe your creative process?
It took a while to get started … I started setting my intention than had to pause becuase of a scheduled healing session which ended up already clearing a major part of my intention. So after that I started over and going deeper in my intention. Overall I felt like giving birth: excited, intense, deep and revealing with periods of flow, times of rest and times of resistance. I really learnt so much from the process already. When I got stuck I was usually in need of moving my body or get food to recharge and get the juices flowing again. It was so supportive to see other people’s process on this website to keep committed and follow through, staying with my creation and finding my own way of creating. I incorporated my creative channeling skills through drawing but really let this journey be an overall intuitive process. So I used whatever I was drawn to. Flower petals, magazine headlines, glue… etc. The process was so enlightening reflecting back on it. Very powerful. Check out my creative process documentation on my FB page if you want as well.
My creative process and insight from my SoulArt journey on SoulArt Day with Laura Hollick and a tribe of many thousand…
Posted by Antonia Wibke Heidelmann – Intuitive Art on Friday, April 13, 2012
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
My intention was to receive guidance to feel deeply satisfied (with myself), fulfilled, valued and successful. And among so many insights these are the most important messages from my Soul Art Journey:
– Value my creations to stand on my own rich feet. – Move through resistance through body movement and nutrition – Just stay with the process and follow through – Make mistakes
All summed up: The more I love myself the more my essence shines to nurture myself naturally growing connections through my creations that turn into an flow of income increasing the more grounded I am.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
I am deeply satisfied with my experience (which was my intention) and my commitment to stay with the process, find my own way and moving through resistance. As someone who does graphic art for a living I am familiar with the Creative Expression phase but the Intention Phase and the Insight as well as the Action phase are such wonderful enriching additions to make this experience so rich and fulfilling. I am extremely grateful for Laura and everybody who inspired this experience including myself 🙂 Thank you, thank you, thank you.