Rosa Maria Szynski
I am a Creative Dream Companion~gently inviting women to discover and begin to express their dreams and desires from United States
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I am always inspired to do Soul Art with Laura Hollick! I know that each time I will receive insights and from those insights, I am able to process next steps or confirm my present progress. Soul Art is a way that my spirit wants to express its own wisdom to me and, because I speak the language of my spirit, I am able to apply what I learn.
How would you describe your creative process?
When I first began doing this journey, I surrounded myself with all types of medium. I am open to and comfortable using anything that feels like it wants to be part of the process. In my mind, I thought I would do collage since that is something that flows so naturally for me. I was surprised when I did my body mapping (my arms/hands extended and I did a symbolic tracing for my heart from a beautiful box covered in lovely gems) and discovered I was being led to create my art in 3D. After several tracings of my heart, I found I created a process that turned into a blooming rose. My hands became the stem and leaves~so beautiful for the giving and receiving energy. I was then invited to do an installation and took my art outdoors to a sacred space where I have a trellis placed in the ground surrounded by a circle of stones. It was very symbolic and meaningful since this is a space where something I previously planted did not grow. I see how important it is to plant and grow authentically.
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
My Soul Art confirmed my present progress of an offer I am creating and gave it more depth. The real insight that came from taking the work outside and “planting” it in the earth was that I am the gardener and there are stages to my own growth and stages to the growth of my business. The trellis served to tell me that the structures and systems of support are beautiful and necessary.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
I truly enjoy the process of Soul Art in all its forms. Laura is delightful and her offerings are transformational. Though I create journeys of my own through art expression, I am open to receiving the guidance that comes from someone else~it offers me a new perspective and often a different approach that delivers a profound shift. I value this Soul Art community and honor the insights that continue to support us all.