Lulu Bea

Lulu Bea bio photo

Lulu Bea's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I was intrigued by the notion to receive insight through art.

How would you describe your creative process?

My process is very intuitive. I often start without a known direction, and let the creativity unfold along the way. For soul art, I originally planned to paint, but something whispered to me to do collage art, so that’s what I did!

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

My message was profound – this is what I received:

“Everything you are doing is creating your future. You are in a period of growth, of trial and error, though there are no errors. Only learning experiences. From pushing yourself through your art, your experimenting with showing your artwork at craft shows, to going out dancing on your own… all of these are helping you grow as a person, are making you more confident in yourself, in your resilience and your courage to live this life fully, completely and whole heartedly. Through pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, opening your heart to hurt and fulfillment, you are preparing yourself for the greatness in store for you. Where to go next is not the focus for you at this time. Your job is to focus on the present moment, to experience the roller coaster of emotions that present themselves without judgment, and to build up your confidence in yourself and what you are capable of not just surviving through, but thriving. You do this not only for yourself, but for others around you – your children, your friends, the people who cross your path. They will all benefit from the light that shines from within you. You are beautiful, loved and exactly where you need to be.”

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

The whole experience was absolutely amazing, and it surpassed any and all expectations that I had going into it. I wrote a blog about the experience, which quite possibly was the most personal blog that I’ve ever written (

I can’t thank you enough for sharing this international soul art day with us, and for the message that you are expressing to the world. I look forward to learning more about you, your work, and your certification process.