Tanya von Zychlinsky
Presence of Prosperity, Visionary Leader, Inspiring Magical Being(s) from United Kingdom
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I have done a Soul Art Journey once before and it was so much fun (!) and powerful and magical. I loved what it reflected back and how it transformed me. I could do that all the time (actually, I am). It goes right to the roots with love – just like my own work with people – and this has high value because it changes everything from the inside out. You change your inner ‘computer program’ – not the ‘print out’. I love (!) to create, perform, have fun, fulfill my soul and cell-ebrate Life… and make that available for others to cell-ebrate with me. This Soul Art journey was an even bigger cell-ebration. It was a magical dance with my Spirit and – surprisingly – my whole (!) family lineage (more below). Becoming more visible I claim the fact that I am a Presence of Prosperity, that when people are connected to me, their lives start to prosper in all areas and magic happens… which is normal when you let your higher being lead your life, we just call it ‘magic’, it’s a perfect additional tool for great clarity from your Soul while PLAYING 🙂 … and while you are creating your Soul Art, focused on your most beautiful dreams for the time that it takes to explore, journey, and joy-minate your Soul Art – guess, what happens in your outer reflection?! It in-dense-yfies those thought forms into 3D 🙂 What better way to quicken your manifestation… I do it all the time with my art, collages, performance, writing, journaling (for myself and with others).
How would you describe your creative process?
Get out of my head and into PLAY: do simple things like just stir the paint, cut images out, listen to music, or dance, take a bath, whatever takes my focus off thinking until I feel that childlike sense of wonder, has fun with the creative process – and it just flows. I was surprised to see the bold colors (a lot (!) of vibrant magenta): talking about being visible! but now I really like it. At first, I resisted adding collage to keep it ‘pretty & pure’. My inner marketing maeven thought ‘selling giclée/books’, blocking flow and fun. Once noticed, I reclaimed it as MINE and my creative child played… collage flooded out. It’s a bit cluttered now, but went ‘from pretty to powerful – telling many stories’ (see below).
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
Looking at my Soul Art you will understand why it is at times challenging for me to calibrate into 3D. I always see the big picture. I thought my DreamTree (on the planet) was my HeartLeader, but this Soul Art taught me otherwise. She is much bigger (the one with the pink magical hair = the dreamer and the dream = my higher (but not highest) being – as connected into 3D realms. My DreamTree generates and vibrates money, beauty, love, and other prosperity into the world. My Soul Art showed me: Money is not coming from ‘out there’ – for my HeartLeader the planet is just one part of the big dream, so money is much smaller and inside and humans created it and can uncreate it by giving it value (or not). I am not ‘magnetizing it’… I am generating (!) it for my world as energy in formation through BEING Me – Performing Prosperity through just being – not doing: When I play and have FUN, I powerfully perform (generate) prosperity. Note: ‘doing’ is not the same as ‘taking inspired action’ and ‘having roots in 3D as the DreamTree’, which is an important part of making dreams real in this world.
The Soul Art reflected much: Lots of hands: Hands on Healing, giving, receiving, touching, manifesting. I am continuously receiving and distributing visions, ideas, and energy right straight through from the unified field feeding and nurturing the soul like water nurtures the soil. My thriving DreamTree continuously vibrates, joyminates, and its rainbow heart overflows with waterfalls of love, creativity, prosperity for the planet and people’s dreams and visions. As visionary leader, I love inspiring magical being and help people open themselves up to living a quantum life as well. I am a bridge to 5D with its prosperity. My childlike sense of play, awe, and wonder spark a zest for life and activate divine design. My energy moves and awakens that place inside that knows your destiny. When you create beauty, you create so much more than what you can see.
My Soul Art made visible how I work, how I embody my Spirit into this human experience, and how I am a bridge for people from 3D to 5D to anchor worlds yet to exist. My human body is not who I am, it is a miraculous biological vessel for my higher energy to flow through. Imagine how tiny I would be on that little planet in proportion to the HeartLeader with the pink hair who holds the planet in her hands of love. Play, Play, Play – and prosperity is underway: When I play I get paid! (but that’s just a teeny part of prosperity!)
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
So surprised! I was led to clear and sweeten my LINEAGE. I disentangled it into feminine and masculine lineage with collage images that make me so happy! With prayers, forgiveness, and sacred ritual, I aligned all into love clearing all leaks, restoring them to energetic vessels in my field of consicousness – liberating each of us to be NEW. Now ‘healthy wealthy happy flows with ease: I can access all gifts AND experience turned expertise. I looked at each person: What quality – not personality – do they represent? What did they teach me? What can I now teach them by inspiration and example? The missing link in my feminine lineage was the presence of my mother and ‘being mothered’ because my parents worked so hard all the time (4 kids) and quality time, space, attention was scarce, which is why it has high value to me and I provide it for myself and others. I chose images of mother-daughter closeness and play, happy together, and closed the missing link: and that (!) is my new childhood recreated – my choice with cherry on top! It changes how I feel taken care of in life once it is anchored in my subconscious, which doesn’t know the difference between this image and true experience. The feminine lineage: big hearts, creative, dancers, performing, musical, determined, beautiful, strong).
I was in awe: Albert Einstein rode his bike right into the middle of my masculine lineage… all with the same knowing boyish smirk (big hearts, creative thinkers, very musical, humor, sense of play) up to something fun and brilliant yet again. We are not related (not that I know of), but I relate strongly to his creative genius which is kin to my parallel processor brain and love for the universe and the world, being pioneers and new thought leaders. He reminds me:”Keep believing in yourself, even if others might think you’re ‘gaga’, because no one believed in me and my genius… until they did. And look what legacy I left!” Imagine, if he would have given up a few years in, only because people were shaking their heads at his views. Everything is Energy (he said that in 1920 already), and we are ready to direct energy and know that we ARE energy in formation… I know, I am. More insights keep coming in and I am inspired to teach this, because it is the basis for a free flow of prosperity and turns blocks into building blocks. It’s a new choice. new perspective. new observation. new creation. I turned my lineage into Soul Art 😉 I keep discovering more thriving wealthy info each day.
What makes me most happy is the inner girl playing dress up and jumping with gusto into a gourmet life. My performance liberates prosperous children: Great metaphor for my soul jumping into the playground/dream called ‘My Life’. Now that I am a woman, I no longer need to ‘play woman’, I get to BE it… fully… dress up still is fun, with that same joy, sense of wonder, and big innocent heart that the girl always had, and has preserved for this time. My inner wisdom is stored in my inner child (girl and boy in balance) and allowing them to PLAY allows me to PROSPER – because it is ‘so me!’.
Einstein on the bike represents his quote:”Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid!” It expresses brilliantly my desire to liberate and help people discover and express their own unique genius, brilliance, and beauty – and help them thrive and prosper being who they are. Intelligence is not a uniform test result. And there are majestic dreams to be lived!