Leanne Chapman
Psychologist, Soul Art Guide and Writer from Australia
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I’m a certified Soul Art Guide and I regularly do soul art journeys to gain access to my inner wisdom. It helps me to shut out the head talk and get straight to the heart of the matter.
How would you describe your creative process?
I’ve always found the messages come very freely through my Soul Art, so I’ve learned to trust the process even if doesn’t go the way I expect. I’ve also learned not to get caught up in making it look ‘pretty’ 🙂
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
My intention was to make a difference to the lives of others through my writing. The insight I received was to remember what’s close to my heart, and to focus only on these things. Instead of emptying my life of the things I don’t want and that distract me from my intention, my art was telling me to fill my heart with the things I do want so there’s no room for anything else.
When I enquired further, I saw that I need to be more discerning and let in only those things that are good for me. Instead of letting everything in and then having to slam the door shut to keep everything out, I can choose what I let in and what I don’t. I can do this by choosing where I put my energy. It’s so easy to focus on what we don’t want!
My spirit action was to set aside half an hour each day to focus on the things in my heart (creativity, writing, nature, adventure, animals etc) and give thanks for them, even if it’s as simple as watching the birds in my trees. Energy flows where attention goes.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
As my collage evolved out of my story, it just seemed like a big jumble of images. But then I noticed that the body tracing I did had created the shape of a heart, and there were certain images that belonged in my heart, and others that were close to my heart. Soul Art is profound in this way, it shows you things you wouldn’t see any other way.