Janet Marc
Face Painter Creative Consultant from United States
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I have been struggling with finding the direction I want to go in as a career. Working part time as a professional face painter, the movie Laura created totally drew me in. I saw the ad on Face Book and the timing was right. I was so inspired by her creation I wanted to know more, I wanted to be a part of this movement. So inspired that even though I was totally wiped out and got home just 1/2 hour before the live stream was over, I dove in and struggled through the process.
How would you describe your creative process?
I was tired after a long day and long week of working jobs to make money. Having aches and pains all over my body after having been on my feet for 9 hours, I took a hot epsom salt bath and had to push myself to start the process. It was a struggle. I wanted to go to bed. My desire to work on this project won the battle and I managed to pull, push and gently prod myself through the process. Finding paper, deciding on a pose that I could trace by myself. Ugh, tired, I could feel the resistance so I made a cup of chamomile and ginger tea and came back to it. Gently and forcefully pushing and pulling myself through the process . . . Like a therapeutic massage that hurts at first but feels so much better when it is done.
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
After all that process what I figured out is short and sweet. To feel more healthy, connected and complete, I need to simplify and work on details both in my life and in my art.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
My 2 minute writing . . . INSPIRE . . . Life is a journey I’ve seen. As we go through this journey the best we can ask, in my opinion, is to be able to inspire one another. EMBRACE your inner child and allow yourself to PLAY. EAT healthy and spend more time with PLANTS. Inspire someone to be more healthy and loving.