Anne Perry

Anne Perry bio photo

Anne Perry's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I interviewed Laura about Soul Art Day for an article I was writing for Business Heroine Magazine and one of the things that struck me most in our conversation was that she does not see art as a hobby. She takes it very seriously, because art can truly serve as an access point to your deepest wisdom and highest self.

I have never considered myself an artist, so I was very intrigued by the possibility of Bodymapping as a new self-discovery process and access point to spirit.

How would you describe your creative process?

I listened to my intuition as far as color, symbol, and texture. Part of me wanted it to turn out perfectly, and another part of me was unattached and simply curious. I was totally surprised that my hand turned into fire (casting wishes and spells out into the world), and my face became the vast Universe ripping wide open!!

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

The intention I had set was to experience more spaciousness in my business. My art told me:

“Your time on earth is meant to be an explosion of color and creation. It’s temporary. Enjoy it. Your fun makes the world a brighter place.”

“Start with simple, create from fun. Say yes to easy. Say no to complex.”

“YOU give YOU permission. Period. It’s already here. Just take it. Claim it. Own it. It’s yours.”

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

This was an opportunity to take myself of my logical masculine mind and into the wild feminine unknown… the art was something I didn’t really have control over and I had no idea what it would become. What an astounding way for magic to speak through me!