Lorraine Parkes
Automatic Art (My guides draw and paint through me in seconds onto paper.) from United Kingdom
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
Your page came up onto my facebook as a suggested post. I am always looking for the right places to place my work. As I work with my intention I thought it would be interesting to see what appeared.
How would you describe your creative process?
I am aware I have guides who were famous artists when on this earth. I work on the vibrations of people through their handwriting and bring drawings that contain much information about themselves and paintings which include loved ones or pets. The paintings often show a memory and I believe they contain past lives that are waiting to be healed. The colour used is also about healing. I make my intention then allow spirit to choose the watercolour paint. I then use a sponge and wipe over the watercolour paper.
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
I was amazed with the results and believe the insight or message is about control and how I now realise my whole life has been under control. From my conditioning as a child where my religion and parents laid down the laws and I have grown up doing things their way. My sisters also. I then attracted a controlling man whom I married and have now divorced. I am just working on myself with cord cutting and feel the painting backs up what spirit want me to be aware of before I can be a true free spirit. The colour tells me about communication and being able to truly express myself.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
I would like to share how wonderful it is to step out of the way of your ego and to know the message you are receiving is real and true and from your higher self.