Valarie Endemann
Love Revolutionary, Soul Artist, Healer from United States
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I’m always inspired to grow and learn more about who I am and find ways to bring that medicine into my life and the lives of others. Soul Art is a beautifully supportive way to have a magical journey into the depth of our creative hearts to see what treasures are waiting for us there.
How would you describe your creative process?
My creative process begins well before I ever put hand to medium. It is creative ceremony to me, whether I’m spontaneously shaping some clay from the garden into a figure or setting aside dedicated time to go into the full-on ritual expression of making something appear from the invisible realm of my soul.
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
That the parts of ourselves which we search for, long for, are searching and longing for us too. …The most amazing insight/ experience from this particular piece is just how *familiar* it looks to me. I had no plans for how it should look and just let my intention and color guide me. It feels very much like a reunion to me.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
The Soul Art experience is a doorway to recognizing (… re-cognizing: as in remembering, rethinking, reconnecting, reunifying, reacquainting with) our Soul and to bring its wisdom back into being, through the lightbridge of our bodies. It gives a clear space to go on a truly mythic healing hero/ines journey, all flowing through our unique hands & hearts. And perhaps best of all as our Tribe finds each other, like little beacons of light all across the world, we work together- just by doing our own Soul Art- to weave a net of Love far, deep, high and wide.