Teresa Tickie Willett
Web Application Technical Support Specialist from Canada
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I have been admiring Laura’s art & creative process for some time now & when the International Soul Art Day was announced, I felt a very deep longing to participate. I have been going through a lot of changes in my life over the past few years but my art has lost its priority in the process. This felt like a great opportunity to reconnect with not only my art, but what my soul needs to move forward in my journey.
How would you describe your creative process?
After doing a brief meditation, I felt I needed to really focus on grounding. So for my body mapping, I sat on my canvas as if I was meditating & outlined my crossed legs to start. I put on some root chakra healing music, thanked the Mother & the Universe for the inspiration & got started painting. Using my acrylic paints & brushes I started to just let myself go & allow the creativity to come from within. This was a very emotional journey for me. The urge to play in the paint with my fingers was overwhelming so I just went with it! What an amazing feeling to get so “in touch” with my art! 🙂 I will be doing this more often now!
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
As I sat in meditation for the outline of this piece, I knew that I needed to focus on being more grounded in my root chakra, but my heart & head keep getting in the way! I have lost a lot of weight & have been so focused on my appearance not being “ideal” that I have been losing touch with what really matters! I’m learning to accept & appreciate my body for all that it has been through & where we are going…excess skin & all!! A lot of tears were shed during this process but I feel so much lighter because of it! 🙂
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
I can honestly say that I felt connected to all the energy that was coming from so many creative people participating in this event. It was a wonderful feeling & love that I was a part of it. I think this experience brought to light that instead of pushing my creativity to the wayside when life gets busy, I should be turning to it as a way of focusing & healing myself from the inside. I feel so much calmer & focused today after this experience & know where to go when “life” starts to take over – within! Thank you so much for putting something so moving & healing together for everyone to share in! <3