Jennifer Blumenthal
Spirit Healer who helps you liberate your Soul and trust your intuition through creativity and play. from United States

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I’m in the Soul Art Certification program in the bodymapping level. I’m also on my own healing journey and I know that Soul Art is a powerful tool to use on a healing journey. AND, I wanted to be in the worldwide creative vortex for the day!
How would you describe your creative process?
Today it was easy. I let my inner child lead. What would she do? What does she like? How would she do it? She was amazing! I played with different bodymapping positions, then did the best I could to trace myself. I heard that she wanted to finger paint so that’s what I did. I dripped paint on the canvas and finger painted almost the entire thing. I played music I love, let her pick the colors and didn’t think at all about what I was doing. When I got to the end, I started looking for shapes and outlining them in black paint. I kept saying ‘Show me. Show me what’s there.’ but I couldn’t see anything except for the feather on the right. So, I finally stopped looking for *things* and just started outlining lines and edges I could see without regard to what kind of shape they made. When I finished and stood up with my camera over my art to take a photo, I gasped as I saw an image of a female emerging. I said ‘SHE’S HERE!’ and I burst into tears. She’s coming out of the mess and I couldn’t see her until I stopped trying. She’s me. Surrender.
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
My insight is that I will emerge from the murky waters, but right now I need to surrender to the healing process. Nothing is clear right now (just like I couldn’t find objects in my art when I was looking for them), but that’s ok. If I sink into the depths of where I need to go, I can release everything but the core essence of who I am, and re-emerge with clarity of identity and purpose.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
Soul Art is such an important tool for healing, processing, remembering, receiving guidance. It is a portal into our wise inner worlds that’s available anytime we need it, and I love to share it as often as I can. I am so grateful to Laura Hollick for sharing this wisdom and making it so widely available to us all!