Valarie Endemann
Love Revolutionary :: Mythmaker :: Soul Art Guide :: Healer :: Heartist from United States
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I’ve done several Soul Art Journeys and with each one I am endlessly amazed at how powerful, surprising and enlightening it can be. For this one I felt a deep desire to connect in with the communal creative energy of the day and I really felt my spirit needed the deep nourishing of stepping outside of my typical daily activities and immersing in a creative vortex. I have been traveling through a transitional time in my inner life and I felt there was some guidance very close to the surface of my awareness that wanted to come through into form that would support my healing and growth as well as guide me beyond fear into new adventures.
How would you describe your creative process?
I would describe it as entering a mysterious place where curiosity meets surrender. For this Soul Art experience I was able to dedicate my day to being in a sacred container and just going with the flow. I was able to give myself permission to intuitively play. My Soul seemed to need was a lot of pre-artmaking preparation before diving in so I took time to watch the live stream, to journal and set intention, I created a crystal grid Soul Art altar, drank lots of water, gathered my art supplies, (purposefully making sure to quiet any “overthinking”); sat in meditation outside; I cleared and blessed my canvas before starting with smudge and sacred water. It was a beautiful ritual-as-creative-doorway.
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
That I can follow the lines of who I am, I don’t have to create something out of nothing and I don’t have to make things harder than they need to be (and they really don’t need to be that hard!). I can let the art emerge and show me how to make something beautiful from right where I am, in this moment, each moment. I was so very surprised and delighted to create a piece of art with a skill I didn’t know I had. It was so encouraging on a deep level and I felt encouraged by my art, by the guide that appeared. I realized that I had been going through my own test of faith to prove something to myself, and that I really didn’t need to do that anymore.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
Be kind to yourself, really enjoy the process and LOVE everything about it. Especially pay attention to the moments of frustration, judgement or self-criticism and love those tender parts even more if they show up. There’s a saying that goes “speak your truth even if your voice shakes” and I think that fits for the Soul Art Experience too. To let ourselves create, even if we feel unsure about our abilities. To trust ourselves enough to go within in a kind, loving and supportive way. To fearlessly follow the creative impulse, put aside second-guessing, have fun. If we let ourselves go beyond our limits surprising and amazing things are waiting to show up.