Dee Hindmarch

Dee Hindmarch bio photo

Dee Hindmarch's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I came across the Soul Art page by accident the day before Soul Art Day. synchronicity at its best… My life for the last year has been unhappy and turbulent and unsure and scary and when i found you….I felt intuitively that it was vital for me to make time and take part in this amazing process even though the only time I was able to get going was late at night after my family had gone to bed. I also knew it wouldn’t be pretty.

How would you describe your creative process?

My creative process at the moment is in utter confusion! After many years of not painting at all, I have dived headlong into making it my livelihood and I feel a little overwhelmed but at the same time totally blissful when Im holding a brush or a pen. That said, this experience just unraveled and I found myself at times irritated that the paint wouldn’t say what I needed it to say…. a bit like trying to verbalise your feelings.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

I realised that in all the chaos, there is an aspect of me that is calmly keeping my shit together. The chaos is coming at me and around me and finding harmony and peace in my life seems impossible unless I withdraw inward.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

The most valuable thing that I experienced was a feeling of connectedness. I felt like I wasn’t alone and that there were amazing women out there who get me. “I am not alone. I am not less than. I am part of”