Jennifer Blumenthal
Human Spirit Guide from United States
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
This was my 3rd year in a row to participate in International Soul Art Day. After my first year, I signed up for the certification program and have been using Soul Art in my personal healing journey and in my work with clients ever since. I wouldn’t miss this day for anything!
How would you describe your creative process?
Much different than when I first started! Because I’ve been practicing Soul Art for 3 years, I now completely trust the process and I go through the steps with joy just as Laura recommends. When I get to the part of actually creating the Soul Art work, I let my intuition guide me and I go completely with my first instinct with every color choice, symbol choice, and stroke of the paint brush (or whatever medium I’m using). Trust and follow your instincts without hesitation!
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
My biggest insight was to love every part of myself as a whole – even the parts I don’t like or that need healing! The symbols that came out on the canvas inside my body represent all of my wounds, my scars, my potential, my gifts, my fears, my talents, my abilities, my injuries, my strengths, my love, my spirit, my flaws, my characteristics — everything! And all of that is what makes me uniquely me so I am to love ALL of myself with equal truth and intensity if I want to heal and go to my next level of depth.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
The most important thing is that Soul Art is such a powerful and beautiful process to go deeper into yourself, into your healing, into your spirit, into the wisdom you carry within you. Each Soul Art piece that I create offers little nuggets of gold that open me up a little bit more, take me a little bit deeper, strengthen my intuition, and help me shed the old layers of me that no longer serve me. Those nuggets of gold are powerful when you want transformation and healing, and Soul Art is the only process that I’ve ever used that helps you excavate them AND then integrate the messages and the wisdom into my life so that I actually become more of who I’m here to be. I love and cherish Soul Art and am so thrilled to be a part of this amazing community! <3