Domina Doll

Domina Doll bio photo

Domina Doll's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I needed to get away from the “office” and just play. I trained 6 years in fine arts and haven’t made any art in 5 years. So, now was the time to begin again.

How would you describe your creative process?

I like to meditate, dream of ideas, site and visualize what I want to express and then let the images come to me. Sometimes I know the elements or parts of an image I want to use but don’t know how they will come together. Once I have a sort of image idea, then I sketch out so I remember it. Once I begin working on the image it eventually evolves as I paint, or collage, or add more to it, so it is an inspired process until the end.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

I loved the exercises and found them helpful in coming up with my main idea. I enjoyed using a different type of process from what I normally use.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

Just do it! That I actually just got away from my desk and created some art. I was soooooo uplifting and magical and beautiful to just create again and I am going to start making this a part of my weekly ritual now, no excuses! Thank you Laura for inspiring me to get off my butt! <3