Cathy Skipper
teacher, aromatherapist, healer, writer from United States
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I have been following Laura’s work for four or five years from the fringes and always found it very powerful. I have been working with collage and pastel in my own work recently and so when Soul Art day came up this year, I felt I had a medium in which to work. I felt the call to participate from a deep, place within.
How would you describe your creative process?
My creative process felt like a very privileged moment, a whole day, alone dedicated to my inner process and art. I really found Laura’s proposition for guiding us into the work helpful and spent time doing this. I did not really come up against any blockages. By tuning in to my inner self, I was able to feel what needed to be expressed and where and how on the paper. I was able to connect to my unconscious, which guided me throughout the day. I was careful not to analyse or bring my left brain into the work until it was entirely finished.
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
The insights were huge. I have been working on my female lineage and historical trauma and realized through this work, which I called ‘Embodiment’ that the DNA in the mitochondria and passed down uniquely from mother to daughter is my indigenous wisdom and my journey is to embody and heal this female lineage. My intention was for guidance to anchoring a unwavering sense of self love. My Soul art showed me that I had managed against all odds to keep the thread between the my great, great grandmother, who was denied existence in the family tree, alive. The wisdom and self love comes from connecting with my female ancestors as a ‘team heart’ and transforming the pain into beauty, love and a newly found sense of a collective authentic strength.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
That our unconscious minds need tools to express their wisdom and Soul art is an amazing tool for this. If we allow ourselves to drop down into a deep, feeling part of ourselves and have confidence in what wants to be expressed, great healing and transformation can happen. That giving time and space to this type of work is vital for each of us to work with our own personal myths.