Pam Blue

Pam Blue bio photo

Pam Blue's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

This year of 2018 is highly potent for me. Adding these numbers together makes this an 11 year, a year where there is a portal or gateway available. For me the 11 represents not only a gateway but a relationship. I have chosen to focus my intention to open the gateway to my creative force which I believe resides within my womb,and to consciously build a intimate relationship with this sacred space. My intention in accessing this holy and creative force to is use it as an avenue to express and embody my highest potential and self. The soul art journey fit beautifully into this year long intention and I am deeply grateful for the inspiration and guidance it set in motion.

How would you describe your creative process?

My creative process is emitting a beautiful and warming glow but is appreciating conscious attention and supportive opportunities to expand its radiance and blessings.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

I valued the guidelines immensely as they initiated flow in a graceful and spacious way. I learned via symbolism and numbers that my dance would benefit from more yang (action and focus) and that my writing would benefit from more yin (stillness and receptivity). I also realized that flowers (color and vibration) and pine (healing and cleansing) were avenues to open up my womb space further and allow growth in dance and writing to become more authentic and intimate.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

It was an invitation that I accepted where I took time off of work and set aside space for creating and to become part of “the flow”. I found this to be a great teaching and intend to carry it forward. Setting aside specific time and space (yang) for something to be brought forth from within allows me to purposely contribute to the beauty of life. Also, being immersed in the flow of no time and space (yin) was deeply rejuvenating and rewarding.