Joann Garay
Expressive Artist and Crystal Reiki student from United States
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I believe in the explorational and personal transformational process of art making. Soul Art has been calling to me for several years although this is the first time I’ve participated. The time is ripe and my souls evolution is calling for me to really embark on this journey now.
How would you describe your creative process?
Br asking down my ego presence and allowing my inner spirit to come forth through music, movement, intention, making the process a very scared and honored ceremony. Allowing my soul’s expression, no matter what comes forth, and then dialogue get with the visual art to see what messages it has brought to me. The process of the art making also reveals where my ego is stuck and what I am clinging to that may have been repressed
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
Interesting…through body mapping, my intention was to be shown what is blocking me from having a genuine sense of self and how I can express myself in this lifetime to contribute to healing of others and our beautiful world. What came forward was “Star Seed”. She says she is me…I am a child of the Universe who has come to plant seeds of love and harmony. But, I must remember who I am and drink in the stars seeds … bring them into my heart… let them transmute any delusions of ego self…. and dance as I plant the seeds of joy and love!!!
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
The Soul Art experience is a very precious and sacred journey into oneself. In that place we. An meet all of ourselves and transmute and integrate our Divine qualities. My desire is to walk in beauty… I must first see and bring forth my Divine beauty. Soul Art is a beautiful method that allows that to birth.