What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

Sould Art came into my FB feed and I just say an immediate YES! not really knowing what it was, but by title only. I have been on a journey recently to paint more intuitively and from mediation and this fell right into my path.

How would you describe your creative process?

My process can vary, but I work “one with the medium”, specifically watercolors. Even if I go in with a “plan”, I allow whatever happens to flow and emerge. My preference is to paint abstractly because it allows me to paint what I feel, put color together intuitively, layer in color and also use specific techniques to just allow. I consider the process of creating to be a mediation itself, but I also mediate and then paint what I see, feel, how I see and feel energy moving, and sometimes I get a very very clear image to paint.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

Creating is playful, fun, energy and emotion – so why get boggled down by the “rules”. Felt confirmation to create art and do it to the beat of my own drum and my heart – let that shine.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

I loved being a part of a day of creating with so many people around the globe. Wow, what energy and seeing all the different ways people created – so inspiring. I would also like to share the thought of going with the flow. I had my own plan ready to go before I knew what we were doing – I just let me my plan go and they perfectly complimented one another, trust the process.