Feather Redfox
I use the tools of an Artist/Shaman to create my own work and act as a Guide for others who work with me from United States
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
The love of my life is creating art…but not just any art, art that asks AND answers questions, that gives information and pushes the boundaries, that has no wrong way of being. Soul Art is that and Laura’s process is one that certainly encourages innovation, inquiry and going on your own quest.
How would you describe your creative process?
My art is made intentionally. I begin with the intention to understand, to receive information or be shown something I am asking about, or sometimes just express something I am feeling. I write that on my canvas or paper and feel free to write prayers, questions poetry or add tears , play my drum for the painting or whatever I called to do. I often bless it with oils and sacred water. I create a sacred space or matrix of surface AND energetic field in which to have a conversation with this art being. We work together. There is no one way of doing it. I may draw bit, collage bits, and certainly add layers representing all kinds of things such as past, present and future, courage, symbols and whatever comes. Its such an adventure and I never know what gifts it will offer me. When the piece is finished, I release the completed work and express gratitude for the journey we have shared together.
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
Ohhh so many….First I must see my life and needs with my own vision, not a conflicted one. The energy and triggers of conflict hold seeds for shape shifting a crisis into a challenge that can be productive. The Kundalini that is created by crisis and the heat of angry energy, can be used as a means to swell and open the shells on the seeds of change. They can open locked doors and portals, changing walls of issues to a beautiful sunflower. And Sunflowers always follow the LIGHT…Did you know that they are a symbol for a peaceful world, one without nuclear weapons. I discovered as I did that artistically on this piece that what seemed to be a morass of conditions that blocked my ability to fly, could actually be turned into a sunflower full of the seeds of change, a remedy for all situations, creating a portal to new life and light.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
Paint and create art from your heart and soul and do it your way, not the way someone told you it should be. I taught art for many years and now make art in a very different way than I did then, so we are always learning but…there is no right way. There are infinite right answers for any art project you may want to try. Just do it