from Netherlands
What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
It makes me so happy. It nourishes my soul. And to know that so many people around the world are joining in, this creative vortex is such a beautiful flow to experience. And I love it that in this way we add a little drop of healing in the ocean of suffering in this world.
How would you describe your creative process?
Last year I joined the Soul Art Certification after my first experience of Soul Art Day. The best deciscion ever! I so love it! The creative process of this Soul Art Day was amazing. It was pure flow, and took me to a very natural organic process of creating in a way which is totally new for me. It was magical, going with the flow I ended doing a “fotoshoot” dressed in my own skin and adorned with a magical the safety of my room, sitting and standing on the base of my SoulArtDay-wrapping paper…I felt totally in my body, and totally happy in my body for the first time in long long time. It was beyond words….to feel so grounded and happy ….in my own skin… I created one piece, but as the pictures show some nudity I didn’t want to share yet with the outside world, I ended up making a kind of altar with a pictures and items like a rainbow…in the end it became a true totem-like altar…and the whole process is best described as total magical!
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
I am remembering who I was and who I am…. Continue to strenghten the connection with my inner child. Breathe in the magic and celebrate your colorfull being… Go to the ocean…connect with nature…redirect your attention inside the magic of your being…you are enough….
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
It was and continues to be a deeply transformational journey, which is organic, joyfull, and brings me back home into myself. Deeply grateful to all who made this day so special. Thank you…