Marta Szydlowska
Artist (I’m self-taught, intuitive painting, acrylics and mix medium) from United Kingdom

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?
I came across this event accidentally and felt that I wanted to participate in it – in this global accumulation of soul energy, that the intention of this day has a special power. I paint intuitively and I believe that any form of art can be a deep process of releasing blocks, emotions or is a form of positive strengthening, creation of a new, change. I now experience many changes in my life and I wanted to understand myself more through this form of expressing myself. (I am interested in broadly understood spirituality, personal development, I have experienced many processes (family settings of B. Hellinger, kundalini yoga, I am a theta healing therapist, masseuse, etc.)
How would you describe your creative process?
I am Polish, but I live in Great Britain and my English is not very good, so for the most part of the day I had to translate the script to better understand this process 🙂 The beginning was difficult. The self-portrait symbolizes “conversation”, personal dialogue, connection with the soul’s eyes. I was afraid I could not paint it (fear of change). The whole thing took me 9 days. I worked with intention – The power of change heals everything in me and introduces – love, joy, happiness, trust, truth, fulfillment, intuition, voice, courage, change, acceptance, going beyond the diagram, leaving the shadow, creativity, passion, potential, new perspectives, new relationships, friendships, freedom, wealth, abundance, color, life, positive vibes, consciousness, pure intention, health, gratitude, blessing and much more. Let it come true!
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
I felt the longing for the color of Full Life, a longing for the joy of a small child. I have discovered the power to change and I can see it in my gaze in this picture. Do this what you fear and fear will disappear – it’s so true. All answers are in us.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
The main thing – to trust yourself, trust in Life and let change be guided. Go your own way, follow your heart.